
Traffic laws on a private street? Can you get a ticket?

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There is a car owned by my neighbors and it's been parked in front of my house, facing the wrong direction and parked ON the sidewalk for over a week now. I asked the owner to move it, I told them they are breaking the law but they claim they aren't. We live in a community of townhomes and it is considered a private street meaning the community maintains the street, sidewalks, street lights etc. I'm in Las Vegas, NV.

Is it true that the police can't ticket them?




  1. .   Same thing when you are in a grocery store parking lot.  Private property so some rules are different.  A police officer can ticket on private property is she chooses.  The law doesn't stop on private property.  Mostly the private property is ignored. Mostly.

  2. In Ohio, traffic laws apply on "Public streets and property, and Private streets or property used by the public to drive or park".  Blocking a sidewalk may be important as well.  My advice is call the police non-emergency line.  Explain the situation and ask THEM what the law is.

  3. Usually, yes, private roads are exempt from vehicle codes.

    However, many communities like yours, sign a charter or a contract allowing the city to enforce vehicle codes in your area.  We have some in my city.

    If its not, just call the property manager or Housing Association.

  4. If you are in a private community just complain to the community board.

    If the streets were not dedicated to the city then the local police can't do anything about a car parked the wrong way.

    If the wheels are on YOUR property you might be able to have a tow company remove it from your property and they will send the owner a letter telling them where they can pick it up and what they will have to pay.

  5. Check with the PD.  Just because it is 'private' does not exempt them from everything.  For example, cops write tickets on handicapped parking violations all the time on private property like at malls.   If the laws and ordinances that the police have to work with don't help, contact the home owners association or the equivalent.  Someone must be 'in charge'.  If no one was responsible for the street and there were no rules you would have bumper to bumper abandoned cars just left there lining the drag strip.

    Also, you don't mention if it's in running order and registered and insured.  Where I live it needs to be registered and insured to be parked on the street,  you can't just leave unused vehicles laying about or zoning tows them and sends you the bill, private street or not.  And forget about being on the sidewalk!  That violates all kinds of equal access laws.  The side walk is for pedestrians and you cannot block it or make it difficult for some one with a cane or in a chair to navigate a sidewalk.  Here anyway.

    Lastly, if he is a nasty little person who is doing it to annoy you, ignore him.  You'll spoil his fun.

    Good Luck.

  6. call a tow truck. as far as the parking ticket see if the community security officers are parking enforcement certified they can give a real ticket not the cops. I work for a college campus, the police can only write a report campus security has to issue the ticket same thing for you

  7. If the car is on a private street or private property, then no law enforcement can't do anything about it.

    Just to make sure where ever you live, contact your local police/sheriff department and confirm.

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