
Traffic stop, a dogs death, what do you think?

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A cop pulls a couple over for speeding. They say their dog is choking and they are trying to get to the vet. Cop says, "It's a dog, okay? You can get another one. Relax." All caught on the dash cam!

Dog proceeds to die as cop issues them a speeding ticket. What would you do?

Cop only gets sensitivity training and a reprimand!

Outraged? Contact them and let them know how you feel!

Howard Williams, Chief of Police




  1. What that cop did was horrible. I cried watching the video. I would've just followed them to the animal hospital or something if I was the cop. The guy shouldn't had pulled over too! But still, sigh* not all cops are good.

  2. its the guys job but he should of had a heart and followed them there or something if i were the people id of driven away lol  

  3. me as the couple -

    are u friggin stupid my dog is choking .then punched or slapped em in the face for saying that bout the dog

    me as the cop- follow them to the nearest vet and then give a warning for the speeding ticket

    thnks for letting us no..  

  4. I understand the cop had a duty to pull him over, and that the driver was indeed a hazard to other people on the road, but he should have instead escorted the vehicle to the vet/hospital instead of turning it into a bigger issue. you dont f*ck with a person who is fixing to lose their friend.

  5. One of my brothers friends was issued a speeding ticket DRIVING AN AMBULANCE, lights on, siren blaring, guy in the back for whom seconds counted, 4 doctors trying to keep him alive.

    I'd be furious if I was this couple but fraid they have little recourse save take it  to the news....

  6. I wouldn't have pulled over. Sorry, the life of my pet is more important than a fine or jail sentence.

    In any case, I will be contacting. That's neglect.

  7. I sent an email to the email address you listed.  It stated:

    I am completely outraged by your officer's action is this case.  I understand the officer was doing his job and should have escorted the couple to the vet they were going to, THEN issued them a ticket for speeding.  I would gladly take a ticket if it meant my family dog lived.

    What ever happened to animal neglect and cruelty?  Your officer allowing this poor puppy to just lay there choking to death is animal neglect and cruelty in which a "regular" citizen could and would be fined or even jailed for committing this crime.  Yet you give your insensitive officer a slap on the hand and some sensitivity training, which he probably won't pay attention to.  I hope your department gets a civil suit over this.  I have no respect for departments that allow such actions!  This disgusts me!

  8. I think they should sue the cop or something. Omg if that happened to me I would go psycho on the cop. What a disgusting human being, saying that they can just go get another one, they are not just replaceable. I love my dog more than I like my siblings lol, I would be a wreck if that happened.  

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