
Traffic violation..cellular phones?

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how come the new york police do not stop drivers chatting away on cellular phones..? the state declared it was illegal, but every other driver is doing it.......... hey drivers , why do you do it?




  1. Because thank god the NY police men are lenient. Sometimes it's just annoying to write up cell phone tickets because EVERYONE's talking on them. I'm from NY and I'm one of those cell phone talkers : )

    Many cops see me all the time with a cell phone- I got pulled over only once for talking on it and I got away with it because I told the truth the whole time and didnt argue with the cop.

  2. really ? new york declared it illegal?

  3. According to all of the articles that I have read they are but just like any state the police are short handed but at the same time they are promising a severe crack down on this...

  4. They should be shot.  People run lights and stop signs all the time in front of me, and guess what???  They are talking on the phone.  I get road rage and want to wire their mouths shut so they cant talk anymore.

  5. Because they think that-If everyone is --as stupid as they are-- they wouldn't get caught. I though the law was for only in the New York City area, and not the whole state. I also don't think New York Police will stop someone just becuase they are talking on the phone, however if they are in an accident, they will be citied if found to be using cell phones.

    Also-- I heard you can use an ear piece now. Not sure myself.

  6. Same here in the Philippines, it is illegal to do so. This is because it is dangerous. When we use our auditory facility, sensitivity in our vision and judgement is reduced. But no arrests are being made to motorists who use celfones while driving. I guess that's because everyone is doing it. I'm one the those guilty as charged. Sorry...

  7. They can't stop everyone, but there should be something built into the phone that keeps it from working when you are in a moving car.

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