
Tragedy Every Decade... Supernatural Divine Force or just coincidence?

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Okay here's what's up---

Every 10 years, my mom has something devastating that changes her life, forever. It always happens in September her birthday month. It never fails, either.

When she was 10:

She was bitten in the face by a St. Bernard. She was almost bitten in the neck, which would have been fatal. The lower part of her face was mauled and scarred. She was made fun of and called, "Scar face," in school. She still has the scars, though faded.

When she was 20:

She was in an abusive relationship with a boyfriend.

When she was 30:

While on a trip to Mexico, Hurricane Gilbert made its way through. She was near death and in danger. It was a devastating category 5.

When she was 40:

Her husband was crazy. We, (our family), had no money because of his psychotic drug-addict ways. He was demanding and ruthless. I was 4. I clearly remember him beating her unconscious and laying her out in the yard. I was in the bedroom hiding and crying.


Who knows what tragedy will happen?

Lately, (it is August now), she has been seeing dark shrouds in her peripheral vision. She describes them as parts of a figure. They are cloth-like. She said one was a box. She also said they were pure black. When she turns around, they disappear. She has only seen 3 so far, but I am sure more are to come.

I want to know how we should prepare for the tragedy that will surely happen next month. I am worried for everyone! My little brother, my mom, myself... and anyone around us! Also, what could be causing this? A divine supernatural force or is it merely coincidence?

You tell me.




  1. Synchronicity or "coincidence" tends to happen in cycles. I think you've been observant enough to recognize a cycle in your Mom's life. In my practice I talk about synchronicity, which is usually positive coincidences and then I jokingly talk about "stinkronicity" which is when you wander off of your path.

    Based on my observations and studies, I've found that if we follow our path and live in alignment with our destiny we manage to avoid most of the negative experiences. It may be prudent to have your Mom explore her purpose for being here and to take note of what she discovers. Then consider if she's following that path.

    As to the dark shadows, simple purification practices can put an end to that. Consider bathing in salt water, smudging (look it up) or good old fashioned prayer.

  2. her computer will crash and she will need to reinstall windows.

    very very dangerous.

  3. i am a strong believer in the paranormal and i believe that your mother is being haunted by some sort of poltergeist.dark shadows like the ones u described are not a good sign.i would go around your house and sprinkle salt,this is said to ward off evil spirits.keeep a crucifix with you,they can also ward away evil spirits.have your mother wear one like a necklace. if possible,all a priest or some sort of paranormal proffesional to take a look around your house. they will be able to do something if ur morther is truly haunted by something. and i also have a thought that your mother may have a psychic power and that is why paranormal things are drawn to her. anyways,i wish you the best of luck and know that i am praying for you and your family.

  4. Well, there's a couple of possibilities.

    One is as "Anna D" mentioned.

    The other is that your mother has a really nasty configuration in her

    Natal Chart which may be at the same degree as the Natal Moon's


    The late Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (some referred to her as the "Grand

    Old Dame of US Astrology") made comment on recurring cycles of

    events that could be determined by recurring degree numbers that

    might appear in a Nativity.  

    IF a Nativity had several planets and/or cusps at (for example) 18

    degrees...that cycle could be expected to concur with signifigant

    life events (ie: 18, 36, 54 yrs of age).

    Sooo, your mom may have a buncha "10" in her chart.

    Might be a Good Idea to consult with a local astrologer.

  5. So, nothing bad EVER happens except those, hmmm?

    *sigh*  Selective perception is a cognitive bias.  Google it.


  7. hey,

    like i said in your other question, i would hire a priest or proffesional of some sort to come and cleanse your house.

    Seeing shadow figures is scary. i saw one in my old house about 4 years ago and its scary ****!

    Hopefully this year if something drastic is too change, it will turn out to be something good for your mum and family.

    I believe in the supernatural force but i am not sure why all this is happening to her. I've never heard of anything like it.

    But as for these spirits get rid of them quickly! they may mean bad luck

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