
Trail Riding - which way do you turn?

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Here is the question, you are trail riding on a rather narrow trail and the down side is relatively steep. If you decide to turn around and go back the other way, do you turn the horse towards the mountain (up-hill side) or the down-hill side and why?




  1. Thankyou slaintefive...I read these answers and couldn't believe what I was reading.  I want my horse to see the cliff and use his judgement.  I wouldn't ride a horse that wasn't a seasoned trail horse with good judgement in this situation to begin with.  The horse will balance himself and naturally move his hinquarters around as he brings his front end through the turn.

  2. If I am understanding your question correctly, you are talking about a trail that has a steep up hill on your left (for example) and a steep down hill on your right, and your trail is the only flat area on the side of this hill.  In order to turn around in the tight space, I would move his front end toward the steep down hill, while asking him to roll back over his hips (hips against steep uphill side) and pivot on the trail.  I would do this so that the horse could see and be aware of the downhill area.  If I turned toward the uphill, I would be afraid that he would step backwards and drop a leg over the steep downhill, possibly falling.  Also, the neck of the horse can hang out over the drop off with out causing an issue where a hind end can't hang over the drop off safely.

  3. I think you turn up the hill side because if you turn down hill your horse may step on the hill in a weird way and fall or it might get hurt.

  4. This is where good roll-backs would come in handy.

    This way the horse can sit back and just swing that front end over.  :)

    I couldn't be in that situation in the first place since my horses aren't ready and I'm TERRIFIED of heights.  I mean down right hyperventilate.  Can't even get on a ladder!

    Sitting on the back of a horse is as high as I can get!

    I LOVE what Jeff C has said!  I'm keeping that in mind!

    edit: BB...that trail is one I would love to have near me to practice my greenies on!  Nice!!!!

  5. uphill, and always take the safest route for you and your horse, be aware of where his feet are at all times so you can help him rather than hinder in the turn

  6. I would turn toward the uphill side, just because if he goes the other way he might accidentally step on the downhill part and loose his balance.  Or you could ride until you got to a wider part of the trail.

  7. the smart thing to do is get some pointer about the trails and thier hazards before you go

    always get off on the up hill side if the horse falls it is not on you on the up hill side if the horse steps off you can take hold of the reins and sit on the up hill side plant your feet in the trail it  will cause the horse to keep his head strait so he can dig in hopefully you have toed a healed shoes on your horse and not natural balence shoing as natural balence shoing is a square toe shoe with a rolled toe and he will not be able to dig in  this where  prep in your training pays off if you take your horse to a place with a small imbankment and line him up side ways and push him off  a few times he will get so you can not push him off and he will not step off the trail for he will understand the benifits of staying on the trail remember God loves you and your horse happy trails

  8. It's up to you and what you feel comfortable with. In my opinion I would turn towards the mountain because I would much rather go up then fall down. I would highly reccomend doing that if your horse takes wide turns. If your horse can turn very sharply its safe to go either way. Be careful!

  9. You would want to always turn up hill.

  10. Uphill...unless you like tumbling to your death...

  11. Best case scenario is not to turn around in these conditions just for the pure safety of it all. However, I know there are times when you just can't continue forward and need to turn around.  Always turn into the hill (or up hill). If for some reason your horse decides he has to take a step forward in his turn you will not be in danger and mostly the horse won't attempt to walk out of the turn if there is an obstacle in his way. Where as turning down hill he could see nothing and think all clear to walk out of this tight turn and off down the hill you go!

  12. I've done it depends on the terrain.

    I don't really turn the horse up the hill.  I will ask them to GO up the hill and then they pivot and cross over their front legs to turn.  Hard to explain...I get their front legs on the uphill, stop them, and then ask for the pivot.

    If the butt has enough room, I will turn them facing downhill.  More than once a back hoof has stepped off the downhill, and the other foot will follow as the horse tries to regain balance.  Head goes up, then a lunge upwards...most of the time ending up facing the direction you were headed in the first place.  So, ya gotta try again.

    I've gotten off many a time for safety's sake to help turn the horse and keep myself safe.  And I'm also better able to 'support' the horse as it is turning.

    I like for mine to be able to turn any direction I need them to.  I want them to move a step or so and then STOP until I give them a cue as to what direction to go.  Whether we are turning uphill or down.  I don't want to be caught somewhere and the only way to turn is downhill...but the horse only knows how to turn uphill.  I think they should be trained for both if you are mountain trail riding.

    This photo is a trail I just rode a couple of days ago.  This is a perfect place for teaching your horse to turn up or down hill.  Other parts of the trail are much steeper on the up or down side.

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