
Trail by jury?

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  1. Trial by jury is an essential part of a democratic system (if in uk) If you are from the US your lack of democracy is not worth discussion.

    Would you rather have a few unelected members of the judidicary deciding your future

  2. I think Nonalcoholic2007 may be on to something...

    Why don't we go the whole hog and have


    Forget the courts, and have a 30 minute TV trial, where the defence and prosecution each put their case in soundbites of no more than 90 seconds. At the end of the programme the studio audience vote by holding up green placards saying

    "Let 'im off" or red placards saying "send 'im down".

    Is Ainsley Harriett available, and would he be prepared to wear a wig?

  3. Request speedy trial, & do not allow your lawyer to continue. They have 120 days to convict you. With the courts so over burdened you will probably walk.

  4. take it on the chin son,

    nonalchol  why not tell all the law dodgers how to walk while your about it, clever ain't you ?

    nonalchol, you sound like a no win no fee lawyer touting for business, it may work in the land of the free, but not here in Britain,its people like me who would see the guilty in jail to,

    not walking the streets re offending while on bail awaiting trial,

    we agree to differ Mon Ami, Bonnee chance

  5. Citizen juries are CHEAP.  That's why they're used instead of panels of judges with doctorates in jurisprudence.  But history has shown time and again that they have wrongly convicted the innocent of capital offenses, and let felons off despite overwhelming evidence that should have produced a conviction.

    Unfortunately, most juries of your "peers" aren't particularly competent.  Many citizen jurists fail to see and understand the evidence no matter how well it is presented.

    Many individual citizens are also likely to lie about any prior knowledge of a case, or any connection with the defendant, while members of a panel of judges realize and react to the fact that they can be disbarred for failure to recuse themselves for these reasons.

    Citizen juries are likely to contain some loose cannons that just might convict an innocent person who happens to be wealthy, or to "go easy" on a murderer or armed robber because he has been "disadvantaged".

  6. Always a choose a jury before a magistrate!  Never seen a truly fair trial in a magistrates court - carefully selected, opinionated target driven megalomaniacs on the bench!  Jury trial is a far safer bet, ordinary people haven't got the conceited, self serving attitudes magistrates have.  They are much more true to the ideals of justice than any magistrate you will meet.

  7. Criminals opt for jury trials because they know they are more likely to either get off with their crime or get off with a lessor crime because Joe public is to soft with them. I have done jury service and you would not believe how stupid people can be. They will find someone not guilty cos "aw, he doesn't look the type". Instead of weighing up all the evidence. Trial by jury should be abolished and replaced with trial by professional and sensible people.

  8. No, due process is a good thing. It's one of the things we still have going for us( for now).

  9. Lessons in basic English.

  10. For all it's faults a trial by Jury is the best protection you and I will ever have in the legal system. They are often far wiser in their verdicts than the stated law and the Judges themselves. Yes they do c**k things up from time to time but then so do learned judges. The lack of formal education in many juries can in fact be an asset allowing native "nouse" to work
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