
Trail riding?

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In competitive trail and endurance riding for horses, do you use a english or western saddle?




  1. i reackon english

    westen would be for

    barral racing and rodeo type stuff

  2. I have had horses all my life and trail-riding is what I do. I know that this will sound kinda out there but try trail riding without a saddle... I did and it is so much easier. No heavy tack to lug, you can feel when your horses is tensing, if its raining no  worries about wet leather and its cheaper... With gas it really comes in handy, you can go to more trail rides...

    If u are really stuck on using a saddle than go for a western because they are more comfortable. English saddles belong in the ring...

  3. English, Western, Australian, or Endurance saddles are all used.  Here's a link you can check out:

  4. I ride western for any trail ride. I Think it is more comfortable... but thats me...

  5. Most people use an endurance saddle for competitive trail.

    They are more western looking but no horn and lighter built.

    Tucker makes a great endurance saddle
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