
Trailer a very nervous/green horse?

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I need to trailer a very nervous horse. I have been working with him to make trailering a positive and non-threatening experience, but I have an 1 1/2hour ride, which is rather long for him and we are not at the "pleasant" trailer ride stage yet. I was told to give him ace paste for the ride. Does anyone know how much I should give him, how long will the dosage last and what I can expect after I arrive at my destination? Sometime later after our arrival he will be on trails. (He weighs approx 1100lbs). Thanks




  1. I had an Arab mare that was a handfull to load. I put her in a small corral backed the trailer up to the gate tied the gate and trailer door open and put blocks on the wheels, blocked the rear and tounge so it wouldn't rock. I put her feed first towards the rear so she had to put her head in to eat. After a few days I moved it to the front so she had to enter to eat. I kept her in here for 2 weeks. She loaded fine after that. She wasn't forced to go in and being around it took the fear away.

  2. Your horse could be afraid of small spaces. Sometimes it's good to lead him through a gate several times and to lunge him next to a fence so he gets used to the smaller area. As long as he's not afraid of that and stepping onto an unknown object he's fine. Have him walk on pieces of wood where he has to step up.

  3. I wouldn't give him ACE unless he 100% definetly needs it.... If you are not familiar with it you can have complications... Some horses are alergic to ACE and gelding can have problems with their sheath muscles if they are sensitive to ACE.

    GENERALLY once a horse is ON the trailer, the stressful part is over.  I would load him up and take him there and see how he does.  If he gets there and is very stressed out, don't ride him... just hand walk him and help him relax and settle then take him home.  If you take him 1-2 times he should start to settle in sooner so you can ride him on the trails once there.

    Good Luck!

  4. I would advice against drugging, seriously- a lady at our yard'shorse was drugged and fell over in the box- it cut all down its leg and hated trailers for ever more. Our horse hated loading and the only long term solution is to join up with your horse so that he trusts you completely and follows you wherever ((see the website for hints!)) start off just driving around the block - keep it short and sweet! If he's nervous, travelling with an experienced, calm horse may help. Godd luck! =)

  5. I would just move him, that would be good take it slow and easy.  That will be the best experience for him, and a positive one.  He'll understand he's safe, sound and not hurt.  Drugging him will only make it harder for him the stand, balance, and try to hold his head up that long.  I would pass on sedation for that trip.  Just keep working with him, take him (if time is left) for a ride around the block, a couple times, and you should be good to go.  Best of luck.

  6. I agree with the first person. If he has a buddy you can trailer with, do so. It helps sooo much. Make sure he has plenty of hay, and just go slow.

    If you start having problems, make sure you don't take him out until you are FAR away from the road with plenty of space. wear your helmet while unloading, because he won't be a happy camper.

    Make sure you bring treats and grain and other wonderful things!

    Good luck,

  7. I would at least try to trailer him first with out any drugs, just take it slow you may want to pull over once or twice to let him just stand and 'take a breather' but in all honestly it more then likely won't be as bad as you think it will be. For the longest time I had a stright load trailer and had a mare that would jump in the feeder but as long as we took it slow and easy she was fine. If you have a slant load ( which I now have and LOVE) you don't have anything to worry about. If you are still worried about him take the acr paste with you just in case. But I honestly don't think that you are going to need it!

  8. I've never used ACE paste so I can't help you.  I would use half the dosage to ensure he has balance.

    I think I would use something like Quietex or Calm and Cool first.  That is what I used on my mare who hated trailers.  It was a 15 hour trailer haul too.  She did fine.

    At the Farmvet site:

    I have some info from a UK site.  If you are American you will have to do the math yourself:

    on this site is says:

    (Application) Mild tranquillisation (Training, transport confinement, new surroundings) 1 ml per 100 kg bodyweight before or after feeding 30-40 mins 2-4 hours 8-10 hours

    Medium tranquillisation (Training, education, minor dentistry, showing, transport, mares during breeding) 1.5ml per 100 kg bodyweight before or after feeding 40-60 mins 2-5 hours 10-12 hours

    Heavy Sedation (Major dentistry, clipping, minor surgery) 2ml per 100 kg bodyweight before or after feeding 60-80 mins 80mins to 6 hours 12 hours

  9. I think a little bit of ace would actually be okay for him. You're not going to give him enough to make him insecure standing. Try 1/2 cc first and see how that affects him. If that doesn't quiet him, go to 1cc. Since you don't have experience with this horse and sedation, I wouldn't go more than 1cc

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