
Trailer i decided on not buying before the date he gave me to decide on buying or not?

by  |  earlier

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the trailer the owner told me if i didn;t buy the trailer hewould removing the trailer. so when i decided i didn;t want the trailer he decided to take me to small claims court and look for the money, it cost him to have it removed in which he had to do anyway if i were not to buy the trialer.and he also looking for money to have the addishing taken away,and also looking for money saying that cutting off the addishing and the power(wire cut .left him unliveable/there was never a 100%verbal agreement telling him yes indeed i am buying the trailer.. he gave us till a certain date to decide one way or the other and we gave him 4 days notice that we decided not to buy it . does he have a case again me in small claims court ,it was his idea to remove the addishing without having me ever pay him or sigh any papers.




  1. It's unclear to me what your relationship to this trailer is other than a prospective buyer.  If that is your only relationship to the situation then he has no case.

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