
Train horn?

by  |  earlier

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i have the conductors special from and i was wondering. it it illegal to use a train horn in your car. (its in my 04 corolla so no 1 sees it coming) 160 db 200psi




  1. Illegal in California.

  2. No, I doubt it, as tractor trailers use loud air-driven horns as well ( just not as loud ). I'm not sure there's a "technical" limit, but if you were harassing a crowd of spectators with it deliberately and with malice, I'd say you could be cited for a Public Nuisance. check locally, there may not be any statute against that loud a horn. I wouldn't be harassing the neighborhood after 10-11 pm, though, bothering sleeping children, etc. Long as you keep it quiet until you need it, I doubt you'll have any problems.

  3. Are you serious? Then better get one from a Light House (they are designed to be heard at 2 miles.)

  4. I think a cow horn would be more fun. It was hilarious watching a car move people around at the balloon festival.

  5. I have seen the videos - those crack me up - but  yeah those horns are quickly becoming illegal in many states.   They pack such a punch that they usually make unsuspecting bystanders jump out of their skin.

  6. It is illegal in most states.  That type of horn is reserved for use by the mode of transportation that it is made for.  Its use can be deemed illegal and you can be charged with noise pollution for using it.

  7. Besides being illegal, it's also impractical. They operate on air pressure so you would need to install a large compressor and air tank on your car.

  8. Like other people have stated, its becoming illegal in some states. I have the same kit on my truck and wondered the same thing. When I looked it up for Ca, It only stated that horns of excessive db were illegal but never gave a max db level. I have them in the engine bay so they are not as loud as they would be if they were mounted under the truck. I don't drive around scaring people but when I do use them, it does turn heads.

  9. I have triple chimes on my Dodge Pickup, Sure makes Grandma get out of the fast lane.  lol
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