
Trainer Champion Steve Assumum claims many horses at the end of the year. Why?

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Trainer Champion Steve Assumum claims many horses at the end of the year. Why?




  1. A trainer who makes many year-end claims does so to avert income taxes. This practice acts as a tax shelter! Clearly, with the year the "assman" has had, he, a well as his owners, will incurr a serious tax liability to the IRS. Consequently, these purchases/claims offset these taxes, and therefor are, in effect,  "pro gratis".

  2. in order to win as many races as he does, he has to race

    47 horses a week, or 6.7 starters a day from coast to

    coast. so he needs a set amount to start the year off


  3. He always has lots of runners for the "Claiming Crown" races at Canterbury Park Race Track, so I believe he claims horses to have semi fresh ones when the races come up.

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