
Trainers: Need a workout plan

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I am in track in the spring and I'd like to improve a lot for this spring's track team. I want to run the 200, 400, 100HH, 300IH and maybe continue the 100. I'd switch it up every meet.

Can someone give me a sprinter workout plan? I'd be able to get to the gym on Tues, Thurs, and Sat. or Sun. I have a hill nearby and there are stairs in my house.

Also, what should I be eating a lot of and not so much of for now? I know I'll need protein for building muscle, are carbs a bad thing to have for now seeing as I'm not competing and don't need that extra energy. I'd like to lose a little weight so could I go with fewer carbs and my body will use the fat stored?

I'll only give points if someone answers my question completely. I don't want to be left confused.




  1. To be a great hurdler, you have to run hurdles EVERYDAY. Start there

  2. to be a spinter you have to be able to work at your abilites almost everyday a week. even if your only able to get to the gym a few days a week, you can use yoru stairs and hill deff. for help. i run the 100m, 200m 100H and 400H for my high school and i am a junior so ill give you my workout plan i think it will work =) you can always change things around with your time allowance.

    1. everday even though your a spinter you should stretch and than run around a mile and a mile and a half in the morning.its also good to run with ankle weights at this time so when you run for competition your feet feel very light and your legs also become more muscular.

    2. on the days you can make it to the gym its good to run about a half a mile and than continue to the leg weights and machine. stay at the gym for as long as you can and if you finish with all the weights you can either run more on the tredmil or track if they have. its always good to do a nice cool down after all the lifting.

    3. on the days i cant make it to the gym i would run the morning mile liek usual and also work with the hill and stairs. using the hill to sprint up with ankle weights would deff. tire you out but it would be of great benefit. and do the same for the stairs.

    ps. if you have a pool its also good to swim laps. not so much beating in your body but its good for the muscles. and its also a good cool down!

    for the eating situation. the protein is always good to eat but dont go out of your way to always eat it. the workouts each day will build the muscles. the protein will just add and help to the work you put out each day. the carbs you dont need too much of but its ok to have it sometimes. to loose the weight i am sure a steady workout everyday and eating healthier will deff. help you loose a few pounds=)

    goood luck i hope i helped =)

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