
Training Lovebirds and Tips??

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I have 2 peach-face lovebirds. one is a Latino. she has red eyes :)

we bought them from a bird breeder and they are about 2 months old. They've lived in a huge cage with a bunch of other lovebirds outside. Now, that we've bought them, they have a smaller cage and live in doors. How can we train them??

Also, i sometimes see them fluffed up and trying to get warm. when i grab them, they squirm, but i feel that they are shivering, and shaking. is it b/c theyre nervous or cold? (b/c, remember that they've lived outside since they were born. hlp? thanks!




  1. Your yellow bird is not a Latino unless she came from Mexico.  She is a lutino.  

    It will not be easy to tame birds who lived in a flock, or that have each other in the same cage now.  If they do not bite you when you grab them, separate them into their own cages and begin to spend at least a half hour 3 times a day with each one.  First teach them the Step Up command.  I put a semi tame lovebird in the bottom of my shirt and hold it gently to my skin.  Talking softly and petting it.  I offer it treats like sunflower seeds and talk constantly to it when it is on my hand.

    Google - Nurturing Dominance and read all that Sally Blanchard has to say.  This is a big project to tame semi tame lovebirds.  I do not recommend it. Buy a single hand fed/hand tamed bird if you want a pet.

  2. I also have 2 Peach Face Lovebirds ... Mango & Tango.  Tango is a Lutino.  I got them pretty young so I hand fed them for several weeks using a special baby bird formula that you can buy at most pet stores.  I also handled them a lot, so they became comfortable with people.

    When they were getting close to the age of learning to fly, I'd place one on the edge of a counter or the table, and let them "flutter" over to my shoulder.  They had a natural desire to want to learn, as they were beginning to flap their wings often.  I would move back farther each time I'd place them on the table, so they'd have to fly a greater distance.  They got this down quickly, and it was a great bonding experience for all of us.

    Do place your finger right under their belly to teach them to step up on it.

    I'm not sure about the shaking, b/c my little guys don't do that.  They do fluff up, especially when they're sleepy.  I've had them for 12 years, and they're quite tame.  Everyone just loves them and can't get over how friendly they are.

    Do you have their cage against an exterior wall?  If so, I recommend moving it to an inner wall to avoid drafts and dampness.

    Also, they LOVE to take a bath.  Try cupping your hands under gently running water at a sink.  They'll dip in and play -- another way for you to bond with and tame them.

    Now is the BEST time to begin working with them, b/c they're young.  I wish you the best in the coming weeks, and many years of laughter and love with them.  :-)

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