
Training budgies?

by  |  earlier

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i cant train my budgie. ive had him for 3 weeks(hes about 5 months old) but i cant train him whenever i put my hand in the cage he just flutters. he seems to be happy enough like he chirps heaps and moves around lots but he just doesnt want to be picked up. Is it to late to train him???????????




  1. It's not too late. You'll need persistence and consistency. Best!

  2. He isn't hand tamed, so you need to be slow and steady around him. Let him get use to you putting your hand in the cage, but not touching him. Just keep moving your hand closer to him, but stop if he starts to get scared.

  3. you have only had him for 3 weeks give him a chance he is still young and tameable.

    follow these steps:

    first of all yes budgies can get tame. this process may take a while but you need to be patient which is always the first key to taming  any animal. 2nd you need to talk to the budgie often in a soft low voice so it can listen. 3rd once you feel that he trusts you outside the cage then open the cage door and move your hand into the cage slowly but dont go to close to him at first keep this process going untill u know he feels comfortable then move slowly towards his lower chest giving him light nudges and saying step up. and say good boy and let him off your finger onto his perch then try again a little bit later. once hes use to this then perhaps you could take him out of the cage. good luck

    you may never be able to stroke him but u might eventually be able to depending of he likes it or not. but always earn his trust first.

    knowing if he is relaxed and a little more trusting he would stretch his wings or even preen (groom himself) so look for these signs when your goig throught he taming process

    hope this information helps :D

    if you need anymore help you can contact me via email

  4. Yes budgies are known to never tame up. I suggest if you want a hand tamed parakeet, to find a breeder in your area who hand feeds their babies. Otherwise don't let it mean so much to you to handle your bird, that you get frustrated and disappointed and hurt feelings because your bird never does warm up to you or tame up. 3 weeks is not enough time to allow the bird to trust you and in this case it is going to be an endless battle to keep trying. Sorry but parakeets just are not the birds to have if you want a hand tamed bird.

  5. has great methods of how to tame budgies

  6. no keep trying tempt him with treats and rub his stomach to get him to comeup then give him him a treat maybe give him treats right off your hand! Maybe he will step-up then you can slowly turn ur hand until he's on your finger!
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