
Training for a 5K after not running in 4 1/2 months, how to I get my endurance back without injuring myself?

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I pulled a tendon in November and stopped running for a month, then I ran a little over a 5K distance, and with a sore ankle still managed about a 9-9.5 min pace in freezing cold December.

I was at my peak fitness after training before that though for like 5 months about 4 times a week. Distances usually were between 2-4 miles with a decent amount of hill work each run.

Now (4 months later) I tried running again, about 2-2.5 milers and I feel so crappy, Ive gained like 10 lbs! How do I get back on track without hurting my knees or ankles, which seem weak? I got new shoes to help if that was it. Today I felt like it was my first run all over again!!! 5K is in a little less than 3 months. I'm about 112-114 lbs (sorry no scale) but was 106-107 when I was in good shape. (I'm about 4'11"-5'0 tall and female). Tips for success? I'm in the UK and running on uneven surfaces is kinda unavoidable there's no pool or gym either, thanks!





    This is a link for a training regiment for your 5K race. It has a link on there that will show you a 7 week training regiment and break it down day by day. Just click "See the plan here".

    This should help you out because it lays out each day what you should be running. What I would do is just slowly work up your base until you get to 7 weeks before the race and then start doing the workout. This should definitely help you get back and not get injured. I hope this helps and good luck!

  2. you got plenty of time to get in shape. is your 5k flat? if so don't worry about hill training for now. just run flat and a distance that is comfortable for you.its true what they say, your body will let you know when to go further. i am in training for the 10k in Manchester on may 18th and increasing your distance is the best way to go. have a couple of days off in the week, don't run every day as it is psychological as well as physical. good luck

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