
Training for a cycling trip across the US! training schedule?

by  |  earlier

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hey i know this is way too late to be starting (the trip starts june 20th) , but i just decided to do this 2 weeks ago. since then i've been riding an hour or more everyday on hilly terrain (new hampshire)

but if there is any training regimen that is extremely effective for such a short time span please let me know


oh btw, i'm 16 if that makes any difference..




  1. 1.  Do your parents know you're doing this?

    2.  Is it an organized ride with some kind of support?

    If not, this is a really bad idea.

    Riding across the country is a significant challenge even for experienced riders.   Conditioning is only one of the issues you'll face.    The rule of thumb for endurance training is that you benefit from today's workout two weeks from today.   Bottom line: Best you can hope for is to toughen up your butt a little and work on your bike handling skills.   Your conditioning isn't going to change in that short a time.

  2. go out tomorrow and ride 70 or 80 miles.  then ride about 25 the next day.  then ride about 50, then a day off.  you will hate it, but you need to shock your body into condition.  especially your ****.  the shock will wear off, then ride at least 30 or 40 miles per day before the event begins.  you will have to get in shape during the ride since time is so short.  good luck.  biggest caution--don't dehydrate and don't over hydrate with plain water.

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