
Training for an up coming exam in Karate?

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I am in Shotokan style karate and my next brown belt exam is coming soon within about 2 months. I want to train extra at home but my house doesnt have alot of space. What are really good drills, workouts different combos , whatever that i can do to increase my speed especially... Any advice would be helpful. Thank you




  1. Practice all of your katas daily. Do all of them from the first kata to the last with anywhere from 30 sec to a 1 minute break between each one. Do this outside if you don't have room in the house, otherwise make room.

    Build up your stamina by jumping rope and/or jogging each day. Do all of your workout routines hard. Ease up the week before your test so your body recovers from the workout. Eat properly.

    If you are testing for any degree of brown, you should already know your drills and combos.

  2. Speed? Well some people will say this is a bad idea... but I am a firm believer in weighted training. Buy a weight vest, ankle and wrist weights. Now I do not recomend running or working out with them but just wear them around the house doing your daily activities. When you feel like you have adjusted ( a week or so ) add on some more weight. When the time comes for your exam take the weights off and your going to notice a huge difference in your speed.

  3. Put hot plates all over your floor.  Your jump around and act scary speed will increase dramatically..

  4. Practing your combos, katas, etc till you think you can't do anymore is pretty good advice--but remember: don't sacrafice technique for speed.

    And make sure you don't overtrain...and give your body enough time to recover--you don't wanna be worn out on the day of the test (at least not until after the test. lol)

    From one Shotokan brown belt to another (I'm a 2nd kyu) , good luck. :-)

  5. Jumping rope is good for many aspects including stamina and footwork.  Shadowbox is of course good.  The more used to your moves the quicker they will become.  Also along with that give some thought to your timing.  The fastest guys alive can be pulled apart by someone with good timing.

    Good Luck.

    I got 2 cracked ribs on my brown belt and loved every minute

  6. Sushi

  7. Speed training for your legs (kicking) would be to find a steep hill and run it many times a day.  Then kick, kick, kick, and kick some more.  Oh and then kick again.  Also do not underestimate kicking really really slow and the holding it for a few seconds.

    To train punching speed. Use a speed bag.  Also do things like clapping push ups.  Then punch, punch, punch and then punch some more.  You get the idea.

    The best time to improve your speed is to kick and punch hundreds of times in a row.  You get faster and stronger when you push past your limits.

    When you think I can not throw another punch that is when you have to throw 10 more.  it hurts but it works.

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