
Training for football, need help with a work out plan to sprint better (run a 4.58 right now, need a 4.4)?

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Training for football, need help with a work out plan to sprint better (run a 4.58 right now, need a 4.4)?




  1. to help with sprinting doing a lot of resistance training and working on your leg and arm muscles will get your time down. you also need to make sure your arm technique is good, the better you run with your arms the faster the time.  you need to keep your arms straight and pump them back as far as you can, arms don't seem that important in running but they really are. good luck

  2. The main thing you need is strong isometric strength of the ankle/knee so you have no collapse at ground contact. Research proves the fastest runners have the shortest ground contact times due to isometric strength. Do heavy isometric dead lifts where you hold as much weight as you can for 10-30 seconds on ball of foot and knee almost straight. Also do altitude drops where you jump off a chair or box and land on ball of foot with no collapse at knee/ankle. Do short top speed sprints to coordinate strength with speed.

  3. Watch Forrest Gump.

  4. As you are sprinting keep your head and eyes straight forward don't tilt your head back. And focus on your feet the split second they hit the ground pick them up again (kind of like the ground is hot, I call it hot footing the ground)

    Arms and Hands:

    Have your hand come to the level of your chin with a closed angle between your forearm and biceps.  From this position throw your hand straight down towards the ground to produce as much force as possible. Your arm and hand should be right next to your side. You don’t want your arms crossing in front of your too much.  (An open hand will produce more force then a closed fist.  The reason is the longer the lever, the stronger the lever and your arm is longer when your hand is open. Also, when you have an open hand you are more relaxed.  A clinched fist is not relaxed and this will produce strain.)

    You want your arm to come almost completely straight next to your side.  After you throw your hand straight down next to your side your elbow will come up to about the middle of your back.  Since you are hot footing it off the ground and your leg will be bent behind you, your elbow will not come back too far so you may be able to get your hand back in front of you to use it again for your next stride.  

    Lastly make sure you relax and take a deep breath before you run. Good luck

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