
Training help for running...?

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do u think someone can improve their running over a period of three weeks?if so how long do u think a 15 year old should be running?




  1. Yeah, as long as you follow the main training principles you should see a steady development,

    run between 60-85% max heart rate to improve aerobic endurance ( i guess thats what your after as you talked about long distances ) if you haven't got a heart rate monitor, run so it is about a 70% effort if you know what i mean.

    and keep running for a minimum of 12 minutes at least 3 times a week and you should steadily improve!

    hope this helped just ask about anything else and il be happy to answer

  2. ..

    If by "improve their running," you mean increase mileage, of course you can.

    But I think the question you are really asking, can you get faster over a given distance, in a period of three weeks?  And the answer is still yes, as long as you deliberately condition your legs, lungs, and heart to running faster over a given distance.

    Let's assume for now that you are talking about increasing your speed over 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 miles (could be longer, but let's assume this).

    Let's assume that you can run 30 minutes easily without stopping at a 10 minute per mile pace.  So without too much effort, you can cover 3 miles in 30 minutes.

    To improve your speed over 1 to 6 miles in three weeks, follow this schedule:

    M - run 10 minutes easily, run 5 minutes at the 9 minute per mile pace, jog (not walk) 5 minutes; run 5 minutes at the 9 minute per mile pace, jog 5 minutes.  Total running time:  30 minutes

    T - run 20 minutes easy

    We - run 10 minutes easy, then do 4 repeats of 100 meters at a tempo that is 80 to 90% of your all-out sprint pace

    Th - run 20 minutes easy

    Fr - run 40 minutes easy

    Sa - run 30 minutes easy

    Su - walk, bicycle, swim 45-60 minutes

    Week two - do the same, but increase the repetitions on Monday and Wednesday by 1.  Monday you do 3x 5 minutes at 9 min pace, followed by 5 minutes jog.  Wednesday you do 5x 100 meters pickups.

    Week three, again do the same, and once more increase the repetitions.  Monday:  4, and Wednesday:  6.

    You will see and feel a noticeable difference in your stride and speed at the end of these three weeks.



    **How long should a 15-year old be running?  Given that you build up to it, up to 50 miles per week.  Beyond that, and you won't be gaining strength or endurance for the races you typically run in high school.  Beyond that, you risk stress fractures and mental burnout.

  3. id really doubt it... but you could get "really good" instead of just "improve" in 3 years

  4. anyone can improve their running in three weeks. Just don't push it to much. If you increase your mileage to much over a short period of time you could very easily get hurt. at most I would only increase mileage 1/2-1 mile a week. I was doing 20-25 miles a day at 15 but I was a hard core distance runner and it took me a very very long time to get up to that kind of distance. So to answer how long you should be running is up to you, it would all depend on what kind of goals you have with running. Well, what every your goals are good luck.

  5. Absolutely!

    You can even improve your running by not even running. You ask how? Improve your running form first. You must run with a relaxed face, and with your arms NEVER crossing your body. Also, try not to run on your heels. You don't want heavy, noisey feet.

    But as far as the human body goes, a person CAN improve in three weeks, but to a certain extend and it depends on what type of running you're training for.

  6. Of course you can improve.  Increase your mileage by 10%per week, that alone is an improvement on endurance.  Run hills and do fartleks to help with speed.  Run tall, with your back straight aligned with your hips, small fast strides, shoulders relaxed, looking straight ahead, always aware of your form is important too.  This helps on your running effeciency.  Good shoes (fitted at a running store is best-good advice given by staff as well).  Do stretches after your runs, ice sore muscles (10minutes 3X/day) will relieve inflamation, add a couple of rest days to repair and restore your muscles.

    Good luck!

  7. 3 miles without stopping under 27 minutes is reasonable

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