
Training or Food: Which would you pick?

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Let's say you've been training in your martial arts class however long you have, and you're not the instructor, and your class meets twice a week. Further suppose you have $10 in your pocket, no food at home, and you have a choice to make: You can take the $10 and go have dinner, or you can pay for tonight's class. Tomorrow you'd get paid, so it's not like you'd be broke for long. Just the one night.

Which would you pick? Why? You have to choose one or the other: you can't say you'd go panhandle outside 7-11 for enough to buy some ramen then go to training.




  1. i would probs train lol but thats because idont normally eat dinner especially on nights i train because i dont have time before and when i get home i normally just go to sleep

  2. I'd probably pick the training, depends on how hungry I am. I've gone days without eating before and can easily handle one night, especially if I've eaten already as I tend to eat once or twice a day anyway.

    Now, if I'm that hungry that I need to eat, then I will eat. I have my entire life ahead of me to learn whatever it was that I missed that night. If I don't learn it by the time I leave then it wasn't for me to learn.

    I guess that I could always tell Sensei and he might just let me slide by that night and pay at the next class. Or I could clean the dojo and help out and have dinner at Sensei's house.

  3. Like others, my answers depend upon how I might feel that night.  Training is important and so is the body's fuel to sustain and recover from it.  For me, training is also a journey that is life-long.  I don't subscribe to the point of view that missing one class is missing out on a lesson that will never surface again.  In the wake of 25+ years of training, I tend to see the same truths resurface in classes more often over time than I see a nuance arise.  But even with nuances that surface from time to time in a given class, is missing one class going to be the tipping point in your training for an eternity of success or failure?  So, why not get something to eat, review lessons from the previous class at home that night, and catch up with your classmates off line about the class you missed?

  4. If we only met 2 times during the week, I'd go to the class.

    So I'd be hungry for the night. I won't starve.

    I'd be paying for a class I didn't attend if I had gone to dinner.

  5. If I only trained twice a week, I'd choose training. Besides, to skip a meal won't kill you. however, since I train every day, I'll occassionally be willing to skip a session for a nice dinner just to mix it up.  

  6. aaah yes, i have ben in this situation many a time, and more often than not i choose food.  But that is because my will is weak, and i am a very lazy person.  With just 10 dollars i dont think you can get something very good.

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