
Training reimbursement

by  |  earlier

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i started a job a year and the employer had to send me for a weeks training for me to be able to do the job. i have recnetly left the company and they are asking for the costs back. i signed a contract agreeing to the costs when i started the job. i have been told by somebody that the contract is not legitimate because the employer hired me knowing that training will have to given. i would like to know whether this is true and hat the contract is void.




  1. UK = it depends why you left .. if it was your own choice (i.e. not fired or made redundant or suffered discrimination / victimisation or 'constructive dismissal') then I doubt you have a leg to stand on .... although you COULD dispute the cost of the Training (unless it was by an external company and they have Invoices)..

    The company will, no doubt, deduct the costs from your final Salary payment (and then send you a bill if the training exceeded that) ..

    You can go to the Employment Tribunal to try & get the money back .. they can go to the Small Claims Court if you refuse to pay them ..

  2. If you signed a contract saying you would reimburse them if you did not stay a certain length of time, I would say it is legal and you will have to pay them back.  Most companies who send new employees for training have something similar.  I once worked for a company that made me pay my own expenses for the training and then reimbursed me after I had completed 90 days with the company.  Usually if it is in writing, it is binding.
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