
Training teenage boys in the arts of love?

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I often hang out with a group of women in my neighborhood, most of them moms, and mostly a little older than me (I'm 32). Yesterday we were talking about our first times, and how most of them were really lousy. We agreed that the world would be a better place if somebody would give young men some lessons before turning them loose on the world. Some of the ladies have teenage sons, and they all loved the idea and got to talking about who the ideal teacher would be. I was shocked when they agreed on me! I am fairly experienced, unmarried and with no kids of my own. I'm intrigued by the idea, but I'm not sure if it's wise. They really want me to do this. What do you think?




  1. First of all, the age of consent for most states is not 18. They vary from 14 to 18, most being 16 or 17. I think it's a great idea. If you're ok with it, I say do it. The boys will certainly appreciate it as well. Just be prepared to have several students eager to learn more. When I was as teenager myself, I was considered easy. There were many shy virgins that asked me out knowing that I would probably say yes. They were so appreciative.

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