
Training tips for the volleyball season next year.?

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yup its me again, this time i need differnt training teqniuncs (sry idk how to spell that lol) for volleyball. im trying out for a differnt club team next year and i want to make sure i make it so i want to train really hard this summer but i cant find training things for volleyball. if you have some i would love to hear from you. thanks a ton.....dancingpanda




  1. well, 4 sure you need 2 build up alot of leg strengh so running, rock climbing, biking, and climbing stairs are really good

  2. Play the game as much as you can with people who are better than you are.  The single best way to get better at volleyball is to play it a lot.  Setting and passing to yourself will help a little, but it's nothing like performing the skills in an actual game.

    Play other games too (especially ones where you're moving a lot like basketball or soccer).  They will keep you in good shape, and are much more fun than going to the gym and staring at the treadmill.  Playing a variety of sports will also help you keep from getting repetitive motion injuries. Volleyball players have a bad history of shoulder and knee injuries, and a lot of those would be lessened if people played other sports along with volleyball.  

    Good luck, and have fun!

  3. I had the exact same question when the beginning of my season started.  Look up AirAlert.  It is an AWESOME program that will make you jump 8-12 inches higher at the end of it.  It requires commitment though, but it will get you pumped to play!  Also, go to the YMCA and work on your chest muscles, shoulder muscles, and back muscles to make you snap harder and faster when you hit the ball.  Push ups are also great, do four sets of 10 to start off with.  Sit ups will help your core so you gain control in the air.  You want to do crunches, rowers, and shoulder lifts.  For crunches, cross your legs in the air while your are laying down.  Put your hands behind your head and lift your shoulders and head up with your stomach muscles.  Touch your elbow to the outside of the opposite leg.  Do 125 reps, for starters you can stop every 50.  Rowers are when you lay on the ground then put your legs up in the air.  Put your arms out straight in front of you and pull them back (like your rowing a boat) along with your legs.  Do 125 reps but you can stop every 25.  For shoulder lifts, lay on the ground and lift your arms straight up, above your head.  Lift yourself a tiny bit up with your stomach muscles.  Be sure not to use your neck.  You can curl your shoulders in while you go up to lessen the use of your neck.  Do 125, but you can take a break every 50 if you want.  Do these every night along with pushups.  It will help, trust me.

  4. Well you want to be well rounded so lay on your back and set the ball trying to keep it really high but not going all over the place. Also against the wall try bumping to the wall and try to keep going with it falling....try spiking the ball to the wall but be sure to snap your wrist so it hits the floor then the wall you don't want a black eye..Try setting the ball to the wall really close with out it falling and then from far away letting it bounce once then setting it again. Also practice serving and digging. Try to be in the best shape possible.

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