
Training to become a very good fast bwler?

by  |  earlier

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i already bowl about 60mph at 14 and create good swing and get told i could be a pro so i obviously have the foundations to build on.

so how much running and gym work do i need to do, how much practice i need to put in, any practice routines, and how much muscle strenghning.

how fit do you have to be and give me some tips on how to become a very good fast bowler.

im aiming to get in lancashire academy by january so how much hard work do i need to put in.





  1. Hey, I am 14 years old, and my fastest recorded speed was 67.5 mph. Me and you would be very good opening bowling partners. I live in the USA and I practice like crazy. I can bowl yorkers whenever I want, and my slow delivery is extraordinary. Get back to me, so we can share tips.

  2. I know two sites where you can get all the information on your fitness and game(cricket).

    All the best


  4. i laughed at the people who actually think that the two supposedly 14 year olds can bowl at more than 60mph. this is hilarious. Please note that having one friend on a bicycle holding a wind meter doesn't give a accurate reading.

  5. Wow, you must be an extraordinary talent to be bowling at that speed at just 14. I don't think people like Brett Lee or Shoaib Akhtar were bowling at that speed at 14.

    Where and how was this measured?

    60MPH = aprox 100KMH. Out of the thousands of local cricket clubs throughout the world, there would only be the top 5% that can bowl at that speed or above.

    That speed is far quicker than people give it credit for.

    You have already eluded to the fact that you will have to train and you want to know how much.  The answer to that is simple: How much training are you prepared to do? You train until. Until what? Well that is up to you.

    Let me put it another way. In golf,  the greatest player in the world at the moment is Tiger Woods. Why is he so good? Natural talent he has in abundance. But that it not what makes him so great. No. What makes him so good is that he practices better than any other player on the circuit.

    If you want to become great, you have to work or train better than anyone else. Notice though I said better, not harder.

    So my question stands, what are you prepared to do?

  6. There is no way you sling that ball at 60 mph. Have your alleys fix their timer.

    Have you practiced using the Wii?

    Now, if you are talking about cricket and not tenpins, then, I'm not the guy with the answer.

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