
Training until high school swimming season in November?

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Ok now that the summer swimming season at my pool is over, I want to continue to practice at a Y until my high school team starts practicing, which is in November. I'm going to do this so I wont be dead and really slow when the high school season starts. I want to focus on improving my freestyle and breaststroke while getting more comfortable with fly. I have a pull bouey and fins.

Can anyone help with what kind of workouts I should do to stay in shape and improve my stroke techniques?




  1. well i would do a few sets of 300s for your back and free. and try a 6 kick drill were you kick 6 times per stroke on your back. also for butterfly a few stets of 200s kick.

  2. hey. im right with ya there bud. I always worry off-season swimming about how to stay in shape. first off, you should get into the weight room if your YMCA or club has it. Its really good to build muscle to get in shape. Secondly, try going to 50 swim workouts on google. i use those to help myself get in shape. then after you do a workout from there, you can work on technique. just concentrate on your freestyle when your swimming your workout. Mark sure to fully extend your arm, rotate to your side, high elbows, and never stop kickinge even when you breath. Breastroke will take work. Work on squeezing your legs together, keeping your head down, shrug shoulders, and straight back. Use your pull buoy a lot when you want to work on your stroke. It'll be a lot easier when you dont have to worry about your kick. The same goes for your stroke.  For fly, you just need to work on your stamina. DO LOTS of laps of it, working on perfect stroke. Since you will probably get very tired after about a 100, as i do, just breath every stroke and go slow if you need to but work on good technique.

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