
Trainn sites multiple prizes??

by Guest31839  |  earlier

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I recently join several trainn sites and i am now working on getting referrals. i was curious if you can earn several prizes from the same trainn site (ex. two prizes from ps34free). if you can that would be great and would you need to complete another offer? thanks in advanced




  1. No, unfortunately, you cannot get multiple prizes from the same site.  For example, if you get a prize from yourfreeistuff, you can't go back to that site and get more prizes.  There are other sites in the TRAINN network and you can sign up for those and get prizes.  

    If you have any other questions, you can look me up on Facebook.  Do a people search for Carrie Winchester.  I'm the one from Orlando with a picture of a blonde girl in the ocean.  :)  There are some good groups I belong to there that are a good resource for advice and things.

  2. Yes, you can get multiple prizes from the SAME site. However, it's impractical for most users to do b/c you will need to get about double the amount of referrals after you first gift.

    The way it works is this:

    Complete the site the referral way... get ur gift.... get about 2x more referrals as the gift requires....convert to a POINTS account.... get ur gift... convert back to REFERRAL method... get 2x as many referrals....convert to POINTS... get ur gift... repeat.

    You don't have to do more offers if you don't want to. If you want to, that's ok as it just contributes towards your points total. Each referral is worth 50 points.

    The link in the source links you to a forum that helps with this stuff

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