
Trains To a city?

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Other than Amtrack what are other type of train companys to send you to an other city?




  1. Well, the Metro North could take you from New York City to Stamford or Yonkers or some other smaller cities.  And the New Jersey transit could take you from New York City to Atlantic City, and I think it could take you to Philadelphia.

  2. Chespeake and Ohio, Metro North, Union Pacific, Santa Fe, Central Pacific, and many more.  Ask me for more via profile if you want more

  3. none that i know of

  4. Bay Area Rapid Transit.


    Lahaina & Kaanapali Pacific.

  5. To another metropolitan area in the US?  Amtrack is it, and then only if you're lucky.  We're one of the most passenger rail-poor industrialized countries in the world.

    That said...most countries would have only 1 company for that.
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