
Trains in London??

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Ok so im going to London on thursday and i've never been before...not used to travelling itn cities eithir....never been on a train.....

so im getting a train from Gatwick to London Bridge station then another train to my final destination.....but what do i do with my ticket? do i have to show it 2 any1 beofre boarding the train or what?? Advice would be appreciated!! im so nervous about getting totally lost




  1. Most stations have a ticket booth with a person---just tell them where you need to go and they will get you the proper ticket.    There are guards at the stations, and they are very helpful, too.  

    Before you go, google up a map of the London underground and get a map when you get there.   The train system is amazing and will take you almost anywhere in the metro area.   Most folks in London don't have cars because the trains are so good.

    Wish I was going with you, and don't forget to MIND THE GAP!!

  2. you prob jst have to buy a day ticket, cost me 5.75 for a day ticket but they had a 2 for 1 deal on, so usually 11.50, but its prob the cheapest way cos u can use train and tube as much as u want the whole day.

    and no1 usually checks ur ticket, just put it into the machine at station to gain access to platform, but be warned, it gets pretty hectic down there.

  3. They will take your ticket usually on the train before you take off or at the door. If you are riding the underground trains you will buy a day pass or a one way and you go through the gates and you get on the train that goes to or nearest to your destination. There will be signs up using colors and showing you the stops of the underground, I found them easy to use and follow bc sometimes you have to get off before your destination and back on another underground train to reach your destination. The train from the airport is easy you just buy your ticket jump on and get off in London.  Its crazy and everyones moving so fast (they say its like an out of the country NEW YORK CITY) but I loved it and it wasnt bad at all. If anything grab a taxi, I had to do that once. Good Luck and you will love London, so much culture and history and its a really clean city to me. I hope you enjoy your trip.  Also I googled alot of sites to get a feel of it before I left. Hope this helped you some.

  4. before you tackle getting onto a train, first of all you need to make sure which one you're heading for ... there is always a departure board in the concourse area which should list all the trains arriving and departing from the station ... look through the list to find the one you want and make a note of which platform it is leaving from ... if you have any difficulty with this ask one of the station staff to help you

    the ticket has a magnetic strip on the back of it ... when you get to the barrier gates you have to put it in the machine (at the right of the gate) through the slot at the front, it will pop up through the slot at the top ... you take the ticket and the gates will open to let you through (but be quick, you don't want them to shut on you)

    if you've got a lot of luggage with you, look for a larger gate that is staffed by a person ... they will check your ticket manually and open the bigger gate to let you and your luggage through

    then you have to follow the signs to whichever platform you need

    I'm not sure about London Bridge, but usually you don't have to come out through the barriers when you're changing trains so you probably won't need to show your ticket again until you get to your final destination

  5. You buy a ticket, board the right train then the inspector comes along and you hand him your ticket, he punches a hole into it then you get off at the appropriate station. Simple.

    If you're taking the underground then you buy a ticket, go through the barrier by putting your ticket in it and it spits it out the other side. Then you get on the train and they announce each station, you get off at the right one and push your ticket through the barriers again.

    Riding the underground, keep your suitcase with you.

    On the train, put your suitcase in the luggage holds. It won't get stolen.

    It's really very simple, not nearly as complicated as you anticipate it to be.
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