
Trains on christmas day?

by Guest62026  |  earlier

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do any train function on christmas day. If so, which ones and where to?




  1. Here in Philadelphia train run 365 days a year. Christmas being a special schedule. Running to Trenton connecting to NJ Transit to New York....

  2. Sorry to let you down, but trains in the UK do not run on Christmas day or Boxing day.

  3. i beg to differ with the above answers.....however in the uk, some trains are running on christmas day, ie, heathrow express and gatwick express, likewise on boxing day also...Best check with the experts though.....try they will have all the christmas listings now....

  4. There will be no trains at all anywhere in the UK on Christmas Day.

    Contrary to what other answers imply, there WILL be trains on Boxing Day, albeit on the Strathclyde Suburban network.

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