
Traits of a dyslexic person?

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Anyone know how you can tell if a person is dyslexic or not? and what is dyspraxia?




  1. Dyslexia is a basket term for having a specific learning disability that affects reading and is thought to be language based. Getting this type of diagnosis really doesn't help you with anything. It is much better to be tested for learning disabilities by a psychologist. You school district will do it if your child is doing poorly at school.

    A learning disability is a neurological disorder. The person's brain is wired differently and though he or she may be as smart as anyone else, they have trouble with reading, writing, organizing and remembering.  Some of the recognized learning disabilities that affect reading (and other things) are deficits in the following:

    Auditory Sequencing - Confusion with number sequences, lists or lists of directions. Hearing ninety-four instead of forty-nine.

    Auditory Memory - Difficulty remembering what was heard, difficulty remembering important items from a lecture. Spells poorly.

    Visual Sequencing - Problems in using a separate answer sheet. Loses place easily. Problems with reading. Reversing or misreading numbers of letters. Reading words incorrectly. Difficulty with equations.

    Visual Memory - Difficulty remembering what was seen. Reading comprehension. Difficulty with math equations. Poor recall of information.

    Dysgraphia - Inability to form letters correctly. students cannot read their own writing.

    Visual Motor Integration - Mechanical problems in test taking. Difficulty copying from board or book. Spaces poorly. Poor written work. Unorganized.

  2. dey cepe ge ing der wucking murds fuddled up

  3. Letters of the alphabet look different to them. One time they can look at a 'p' and see a 'b'. 5 minutes later they can look at a 'p' and see a 'd'. They can also say sentences in backwards order or start mixing some letters up when they say them.

    The best way I can think of is administer a very easy multiple choice test to them both verbally and on paper and see if their answers change. They will be more likely to be incorrect on paper.

    One of my dyslexic friends says it comes and goes, so one day he will be fine and the next day he won't.

    Here is a good definition of dyspraxia:

    Problems with new motor skills and activites. They are often viewed as clumsy and awkward. Is a problem with the body's system of motion that interferes with a person's ability to make a controlled or coordinated physical response in a given situation. ...

    I had motor control problems when I was young, but I overcame them. My brother had a lot more trouble, but luckily computers and spell check became popular!

  4. To learn more about Dyslexia, you my go to

    You will find a link there on Dyslexia......

    As for Dyspraxia, you school district's Speech Therapist would be the best resource for that.

  5. AS a person with dyslexia and the mother of two children with dyslexia NO you won't be able to tell if we have it.  Dyslexia is a condition where the brain does not see the written word the same way that everyone else does and it's more than just mixing up p's and q's and b's and d's.  I have trouble with spelling and mixing the letters up with in the words, and I have trouble with writing.  My daughter has the same kind of trouble with words but for her it's  the words with in the sentences that are trouble for her, the words jump off the page at her if she reads to long.  For my middle daughter is a matter of the letters getting mixed up in the words but for the most part she's able to figure out what she needs to. But no we dont' have a sign that says HI I'm dyslexic.

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