
Trampoline: if sum1 trains twice a week, how long will it take to reach a competitive level? thanks?

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if i train twice a week..and i'm starting as a beginner...and i'm 16 (girl) how long will it take (how many yrs) me to be good enough to compete?





  1. Some students are more natural at the trampoline than others. AND you need a decent coach.

    The way to learn really good, is to spend the majority of your time learning the basics correctly.  A foundation of really good basic moves, makes the more advanced moves much easier and you fly through them.

    It took me 3 years to get to competition level. I was younger than you and had no gymnastic training.

    (By the way, good gymnasts make TERRIBLE trampolinists!  They have to re-learn the moves as they are performed very differently on a trampoline).

    Try this website for the basic moves and really concentrate on them.

    ALSO, in your spare time, do everything you can to improve your Core Strength.  You will need to do core strength exercises every single day or there is no way you will get to competition level.

  2. Depends on how seriously you take it, what experience with gymnastics and such you have had in the past, how fit you are at the moment, what type of professional you train with, etc.

    But honestly, I think that beginning at that age is quite late and competing in any serious competitions is out of the question...

    however, if you really want it, fight for it.


  3. It really depends on how much inate talent you have and how good your coach is. But training only twice a week isn't going to get you anywhere fast, unless you are augenting that with lots of something else (like gymnastics).

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