I found this on the internet and seems to work well as many people have succeded.
Macintosh The Mac doesn’t include a utility for making invisible files visible so you must download one. My favorite tool for this job is Marcel Bresink’s free TinkerTool. Once you’ve downloaded TinkerTool, follow these steps:
Plug in the iPod.
If iTunes doesn’t launch automatically, launch it.
If the music library on your iPod is not linked to iTunes’ music library (as would be the case when you’re restoring your music library from your iPod to a fresh copy of iTunes installed on a reformatted drive), iTunes will ask if you’d like to sync the contents of the iPod with the contents of the iTunes library. Click Cancel.
Select the iPod in iTunes’ Source list and make sure the Summary tab in iTunes 7’s main window is selected.
Enable the Manually Manage Music option as well as the Enable Disk Use option.
Launch TinkerTool and click the Finder tab.
Enable the Show Hidden and System Files option.
Click Relaunch Finder.
Move to the Finder and double-click on the iPod’s icon on the Desktop.
You’ll discover that several more items now appear in the iPod window. Among them is a folder called iPod_Control.
Double-click the iPod_Control folder.
Inside the iPod_Control folder you’ll find a variety of folders. The one you care about is the Music folder.
Drag the Music folder to your Mac’s Desktop to copy it to your computer. As the name implies, this is where music is stored on the iPod.
MY PROBLEM IS THAT: when I get to the step that says double click the Ipod's icon on the desktop I can't find the Ipod icon..its not on the desktop..and cannot find it anywhere!!!!
Does anyone know how to help??