
Transfering Title Issues?

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Transfering title issues?

I just bought a used bike a week ago and the dumb guy i bought it from scratched out the numbers on the title. It became void. Now i'm stuck with a bike with expired tabs. I've tried to contact this kid numerous times and he has responded once back with a text saying he would take care of it asap. Since then i've left another 10 messages. I went back to the house were i got it from and talked to his dad. He said his son was very irresponsible. Basically, he needs to fill out a new bill of sale and sign all the needed documents, then get a notary stamp. I suppose alot to do for a irresponible child. My question is, what is the next step I should take if I can't get this issues resovled and i'm stuck with a bike with no transfered title/expired tabs? Can I take legal action? thanks




  1. file for a lost title also check the vin number

  2. well its a good chance you got your self a stolen bike man with the numbers scratched out   any time a cop stops you its their's til you can prove other wise.. best you chase that guy down and get your money back will save you a problems and yes you can talk with lawyer about it ... id bet money its stolen

  3. Get a new bill of sale and all the other docs and sign your name and his name to them and just get this done.  When it is done send him a text and tell him not to worry about it because you got it done.

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