
Transfering limewire to itunes?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i have a set of songs on limewire that i want to transfer to my itunes so can someone give me step by step directions on how i can accomplish this please. :] thank you




  1. you can't.  the files on limewire are shared files frome people.  itunesare the real files from the companies.

  2. just open up your limewire and highlight all the songs you want to add to iTunes and drag them into the iTunes.... thats how you do it (:

  3. its very simple. all you do is open up both screens.

    then take ur limewire song (one by one) and drag and drop it into itunes. :]

  4. What i do is, after they are finished downloading from limewire, i open the folder they are downloaded in, right click on the file and press "Open with Itunes" which then opens, and saves, that file into the Itunes music library :D

  5. you have to go to file>import on your itunes, find whatever folder your song files from limewire are in, and then import them one by one

  6. Just drag and drop the songs into your library...

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