
Transfering to a 4 year school

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I am applying to schools to get my bachelors degree in Business Management. I am 25 years old and have quite a story. I need help condensing it.

I was never very serious about school and became very depressed after 9/11/01. I failed out of one college and went onto a community school. 2002 was basically a joke. I failed everything I did..couldn't care less and was experimenting with drugs and hated my job. I decided to stop going to school after that. About a year later, I found a job at a pretty big corporation. In 2006 I realized that I was jipping my self of a future and squandering my capabilities. I went back to school and have held a 3.5/4.0 gpa just about every semester since then. All while working 40 hours a week.

Now comes the hard part. My record from 2002 was so bad that making up for it has been difficult. My record shows now that I have made great progress since then. Do you think I have a chance of getting into Penn State University or Northeastern University?

I've been working full time for 5+ years at the same company since I was 20.




  1. I'm no expert in admissions, but I think you'd have a good shot.  You have a unique story, and that could catapult you in to the school of your choice if you cleverly explain your story in your admissions essay.  Admissions counselors love touching stories.

    Remember, not everyone who gets into college necessarily has a perfect academic record.  I think your story speaks of growth in your personal life.  Someone with a story like yours would probably be less likely to drop out of school after you get there.

    Good luck and go for it!  

  2. Congrats on your achievements:

    I'd talk to my school advisers about petitioning to remove those lower grades you've got back in 2001.  This will help your GPA.

    If that doesn't work, you can retake the course, and the better/newer grade will over ride the old one (but the old one's still in the record), but at least your GPA will change.

    Transfering from a college is much easier than direct application to the university right after high school.  I'd talk with the counselors in Northeaster Uni. and Penn State about what you can do to improve your chances of being admitted.   They'll tell you exactly what you need to do.  

    But generally speaking, transfer student's acceptance rate is much higher than HS graduates.

    Good luck

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