
Transferring Files...Help....Thanks!

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I am moving my office and changing computers. Which is the best way to transfer my files. On discs or jump drives? Any tips or advice?




  1. between the two suggestions you presented, jump drives offer more versatility because they have a higher storage capacity.

    i personally, would probably use a crossover cable and static-ip's and just copy/paste them over to the new computer.

  2. There are programs and cables, but it really depends how much data you're talking about and whether the operating systems are the same.

    If you're going from xp to vista, then there is a program from Microsoft and a cable from Belkin to move your data and email and your settings.  It's called Windows Easy Transfer, and you need an Easy Transfer cable.

    If you don't have a lot of data, then jump drives are fine.  So are discs.

    If you have a lot of data, consider an external hard drive.  This has the added advantage of being easy to use to backup your data.  In fact, you could just do whatever you do to backup your data and then restore it on your new computer.

  3. I like to use a usb flash drive myself.  You can also email folders to yourself by right clicking the folder -choosing Send To> Compressed (Zipped) Folder.  Then you will be able to email an entire folder so long as your isp allows it.

    Or you can use this free program to save all your files and settings.

    Good luck!  

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