
Transferring high school illegally??? HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i am transferring to this new school in Anaheim and they asked for the electric bill. the house is under my brother's name(he isn't my guardian). is there anyway i can lie and say my parents rent a room in the house and bring my parents along. or is there any other possible way?




  1. This happens all the time.

    Most people do exactly what you are doing, and as long as no one checks, you will probably get away with it.

    I assume you are transferring for athletics. If it isn't for athletics, no one will care and the rest of this answer won't matter.


    If someone files a protest, and officials show up at your (brother's) house to check out the situation, and things there don't check out as legitimate (which they won't), you will be declared ineligible. If this happens during the season, any games you played in will be forfeited.

    Who would protest? Your former coach, your former teammates, your former athletic director (or pretty much anyone at your former school)...or anyone at a rival school who wouldn't want your new school to do well. Any of those people would have to really care, but there are plenty of people who make it their business to get into your business...especially in the OC.

    You should probably be up front with your coach and athletic director. Many of them will be fine with what you are doing, but would rather know what they have to defend themselves against. Others don't want to know, so that if it does come down to a protest and forfeits, they can say "I didn't know" and basically abandon you.

    You have to decide if it is worth it to you and your team. Otherwise, your parents will have to actually move.

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