
Transgender going into school

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well, I'm FTM , meaning biologically I am female, but I identify as male,

is there anyway I can enroll into my junior year as male ?

I heard that that is impossible, so is there anyway I could explain it to the school so accommodations could be met [Gym Class/Bathroom/Ect] ?

As well as being called by the name I go by rather than my birth name ?




  1. You would have to be changed biologically to a male. I have nothing against the problem that you are facing. Now to leave the legal issues aside it would be smart if you were to see a counselor about this. Hope this helps out. Talk to your parents about this they will understand you.

  2. Talk to your teachers and/or principal of the school and work it out with them. They are the only ones who would know whether you can do that or not.

  3. I'd highly suggest calling the school, or having one of your parents call the school, and ask if these accommodations can be met. Especially with the bathroom/gym class part. I don't think they'd let you use the male bathroom, for your own good I would believe (they find out you are really a girl, things might not be pretty) but still. Call and ask. The name thing should be pretty easy though.

  4. Unless you are going to therapy and in a program for gender reassignment, I doubt you can register as a male when your records show that you are a biological female. If you have documents that prove you are undergoing gender reassignment, then the school would probably be willing to make some accomodations if you and your parents make an appointment to meet with them.

  5. Unless you have had everything legally changed, no, they won't do that for you because you are still, legally, a female with a different name than you want. You will be expected to use the female bathrooms as well as the female changing rooms for gym. This is because parents would throw an absolute hissy fit if they found out a member of the opposite s*x was in a bathroom/changing room as their sons and schools simply don't want to deal with sue-happy parents.

    Of course you can request to your teachers on the first day of class they call you by a certain name, but don't expect them all to agree or even remember to do it.

  6. stop watching tv and you won't have this dilemma

  7. If you are talking about high school, no. Accommodations would cause unwanted attention and huge legal liabilities. College is a different story (honestly, no one cares in college).

    Anyway, when you enroll in high school, you can be given the option on the form to list a "nickname" or common name.  Also, you can just ask your teachers to call you whatever you want.

  8. This *really* depends on the particulars of your school district. Three things you might try to find out if you haven't already (1) does your city/country/state have any laws banning discrimination in public accomodations based on "gender identity"? (2) are your parents or legal guardian(s) willing to step up and bat for you? (3) can you identify any staff or faculty who are willing to help you navigate the system.

    It is not impossible. Where i live i know a few trans youth who have been able to work with high school administrators to provide some reasonable accommodation for their transition. But from what i have seen parental support is very crucial, and it doesn't hurt to have a sympathetic teacher/staff person. Some law that indicates they may *need* to accommodate you can do wonders as well.

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