
Transgender or not? ?

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ok im 14 and ive always wanted to be guy, but not a super manly guy, but kinda like a emo guy, u kno still be sensitive and stuff. but seeing as those guys are already girl-like it doesnt make sense that i would want to be a one of those guys. I always wanted to be a guy in a relationship, like holding them and kissing them, but heres another dilema, i like guys, but i cant see myself with a guy or girl while im a girl. but when i picture myself as guy i can see myself with mostly guys (maybe girls). but i think its to contradicting, wanting to be a girly guy when im already a girl. Do any of u have any idea on wats going on im my head?




  1. Oh gasp and shock and horror.

    You're me at 14. Sort of.

    Welcome to life as a g*y/bisexual transman my friend. It's one strange trip.

  2. Well you may be transgendered, I know I am. (FTM) Many FTM guys do like other guys, some like girls, others like both. It doesn't really matter. What matters is how you feel, and what you are most comfortable being. It doesn't really matter what kind of guy you would want to be either, a guy is a guy. There are many people out there who are just like you, it always helps if you have someone to talk to about all this kind of stuff. If you ever want advice or just someone to talk to feel free to message me.

  3. Dude, you sound exactly like my best friend! We like to joke that ze is a bisexual g*y man. It's totally normal. Most people think that you are either a man, or a woman, and they think it's okay if you are female but want to be a man, or are male and want to be a woman, but anything inbetween is wrong. They are totally wrong! Fight the binary! Wohoo!!!

    Sorry about that...

    Anyway, it isn't contradictory. There are men that are a little bit feminine, but they don't want to be women, that's just part of their personality and gender. If you are female, and you want to be a man, it can be the same way. You're s*x doesn't really have to do with it. Just because you're female, that doesn't limit the range of your gender identity.

    Also, if you are transgendered, or genderqueer in any case you should learn about alternate pronouns and terminologygy and all that stuff so that other trans people won't get mad at you... I've seen it happen. Not pretty.

  4. Im a girly guy and I used to be a woman. Nothing wrong with what you like.. give it some time and think it over. Not all FTMs are super masculine, quite the opposite actually.  

  5. Only you know the answer to this. It sounds like you need to seek a qualified therapist to help you figure it out though.

  6. You could possibly transgender, or masculine. Lot's of people would like to be "the man in the relationship" but do not want it to leave the bedroom, so the question you need to ask yourself is

    "Do I want to be seen completely by society as a man?"

    It might help out, you can also check out if there are any LGBT centers in your area to see if you can get in touch with a therapist, or counseling. Both of those things really help out in that kind of situation because you get the support you need.
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