
Transition from Contact Lenses to Glasses?

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I've been wearing contacts for about 10 years now ... just got my glasses yesterday. Little bit of a headache, little disorientation (eg. Loss of peripheral vision, etc.) Is this normal? Just wondering.





  1. YES! veryyyy normal i promise.

    im the same way ive been wearing contacts for about 3 or 4 years strait now. but everynow and then ill wear my glasses to give my eyes a rest on the contacts.

    anyway ANY new pair of glasses are gonna have those side effects its completely normal just keep wearing them and in a couple days i promise they wont bother no more :)



  2. Yes, it's normal. You're eyes are just getting used to them. My eyes felt a little strained when I got mine.

  3. yes it's very normal for that to happen.what you haven't told us is whether your contacts are spherical contacts or toric contacts.if they are spherical contacts which they sound like, then the change of going to a pair of glasses which will have your correct or full prescription is going to take a little getting used to,but will be so much better for you in the long run.

  4. It is way normal. It should go away within a couple of weeks. If not, go back to your optomitrist and get another eye exam to see if you have the right prescription. Your vision might be a little blurry or even "super-focused" at first, but your eyes should adjust. Good luck!

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