
Transitions going to ground state/Energy of Photon Emitted/Photon Wavelength...?

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An electron is in the n=3 orbit of a hydrogen atom. What are all of the possible transitions that can occur in going to ground state (is this just possible values for l?)? Question also asks for the energy of one photon emitted and the wavelength of the photon........

I'm used to looking at the energy levels from chem side, so physics has been confusing (especially with no lecture and a poorly written text book). Final is tomorrow (of course) so any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. En=E1/n^2

    E1: Energy at ground state

    En: Energy at n orbit


    Ek: Energy at final orbit

    c: speed of light

    h: Planks constant

    l: the wavelength of the photon

    Put them all together an you solve the problem

  2. The possible transitions are n=3 to n=2 ;n=3 to n=1; and n=2 to n=1.

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