
Translate a sentence into German.?

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How to say "In my eyes, you're the most beautiful girl in this world" in German?

Don't use machine translation.




  1. In meinen Augen sind Sie das schönste Mädchen in dieser Welt.

  2. in meinen Augen sind Sie das schönste Mädchen in dieser Welt  

  3. flichen zee sloghen hangh

  4. In meinen Augen you' bezüglich des schönsten Mädchens in dieser Welt

  5. In meinen Augen, du bist das schönste Mädchen in dieser Welt

  6. directly translated: In meinen Augen bist Du das schönste Mädchen der Welt.

    "In my eyes" is not what a German would say.

    but instead, Für mich bist Du das schönste Mädchen der Welt.

    (For me you are the most beautiful girl in the world)

  7. It seems all answerers (except frackles) use the same shítty online translator(s). The term "in this world" cannot be translated as "in dieser Welt" in German. Every sane German would say "auf dieser Welt". The correct literal translation therefore would be

    "In meinen Augen bist du das schönste Mädchen auf dieser Welt."

    Of course, you really might consider removing the qualification "in my eyes" for better effect :)

  8. ich denke dass du die schoenste frau der welt bist. s*****s auf mein gesicht.

  9. Just say "Icht Gocht Nucht Frkumpht Ignicht k*k Gracht." She'll know what it means.

  10. Ok, it has been mentioned before that "in my eyes" might be taken several ways, if you translate it directly into German. One could translate it literally with "In meinen Augen", which creates a problem in so far as this expression has a tinge to the negative in German. It would mean something like: "in my opinion", but like you are insisting on your opinion being the right opinion when a room full of people says otherwise, so I gather that would not be so good, given the rest of the sentence. I would go for the following translation: "Ich denke" or "Ich finde", both, in this case, could be retranslated to English best with "I think".

    The whole sentence would probably best be translated with:

    "Ich finde, du bist das schönste Mädchen dieser Welt!".

    I know, the sentence might seem like exactly the same, but "ich denke" does not have that negative touch in German.

    Note that in this translation, you leave the "in" from "in this world" go slide. "In dieser Welt" is correct German, but not for this sentence. If you wanted to translate and say it for this sentence, you would say "auf dieser Welt", as in "on the world/on the planet".

    How old is the girl you want to say this to? If she's well over twenty, you might want to substitute "Frau" for "Mädchen", as "Mädchen" is not as universally used in German as "girl" is in English.

    Well, anyway, hope that helped!

  11. "In meinen Augen, du bist das schönste Mädchen in dieser Welt

    but is much better if you said it. like this:

    In meinen Augen you' bezüglich des schönsten Mädchens in dieser Welt

  12. In meinen Augen sind Sie das schönste Mädchen in dieser Welt

    translated EXACTLY as "In my eyes are you the 'beautifullest' girl in this world"

  13. In meinen Augen sind Sie das schönste Mädchen in dieser Welt

    -Free translator (grammer might not be perfect)

    I hope you get that girl, or transevestite.

  14. Guten tak tu es le bats ko lokusta te monde

  15. I have no idea how to say that in german, but don't say "in my eyes". It will make her think she's ugly.  

  16. try this site

  17. In meinen Augen bist du das schönste Mädchen in dieser Welt

    translate stuff on this website!!! LOL

  18. Try this: In meinen Augen sind Sie ernsthaft das schönste Mädchen in dieser Welt und ich liebe dich. Lassen Sie niemand Ihnen anders als erklären.

    I added some other romantic things.

    At the end: Do Not let anyone tell you differently.

    After you are: seriously.

  19. Du bist hammer :D

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