
Translate: chou ya 7obbbbbbb?

by  |  earlier

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its arabic or lebanese. thanks.




  1. what, love?

  2. literally it's 'what, love'; but it's meant to be used as 'what, witch'.. replace the 'w' with a 'b'.. :s

    many young ppl used it when talking to their gfs when they actually think that it's an endearment nickname, but it's more of an insult..

  3. hey babe

  4. Its lebanese and not formal arabic.

    i will translate each word and then give you the meaning, if u don't mind.

    chou= what

    7ob = love

    ya= when you want to call some one so you can use the word "ya "

    so you say these words to ur beloved

    it means

    so what my love ?

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