
Translate english names into korean writing ?

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i would love to know how to write Tobias in korean, and the last name Niedzwiecki.

thank you :)




  1.  allen


  2. try to use google translator.

    learn & earn

  3. Shyla Mae U. Edisan

  4.  joy catherine falculan

  5. dianne peach

  6.  angel ann cimafranca

  7.  how to say princess in korea??

  8. my name is my maureen>>> wat is my korean name?

  9.  my name is jenesys.. what is my name in korean?




  10.  my name is jenesys.. what is my name in korean?




  11.  shin bin bin

  12. krishan shrestha

  13. karl jayson

  14. arghe cunana

  15. gina

  16. menchie duenog

  17. roxanne

  18. shaina angeli

  19. novie pragas rojas

  20. pls translate my english name in to korean name or korean alphabet….
    this is my name…pls…

  21. leslie

  22. evonne

  23. christine


  25. Nur Syamin

  26. Nur Syamin

  27. Louela Abendan Rubi

  28. jovelyn corong

  29. diana villanueva

  30. Rani Ruth

  31. kaushik

  32. gizel

  33. edurdo cabarles

  34. jenelle

  35. lorieta orange


  37. moa longchar

  38. Ferdielou Marie Bambo Cornejo

  39. manalac e joshua

  40. Miah Payumo

  41. angelique leyson

  42. jazper , christopher , angie

  43. alena

  44. chato

  45. james calvin

  46. alyssa

  47. If you want translation from real translators, best website for

    Transcription and translation ( according to me) is

  48. If you want english urdu website or legal translation from human Urdu

    translators, best website for Transcription and translation ( according to

    me) is

  49. ronald manlapaz

  50. Jonathan

  51. hasanah

  52. can you translate my name into korean??????????......rhino pasilang


  54. transalte KATHRina into korean last name is quilang

  55. Yeap Hwei Yee

  56. cedie magno

  57. kimberly

  58. Richelle Ann

  59. true man

  60. ricalyn caraga

  61. fazreen regina

  62. hadzy farddyzillah

  63. dhivhya

  64. john carlo

  65. Raisya

  66. Ramoncito

  67. lehcar

  68. shin myling  shin sook  shin bok  shin ok  shin chul  shin woong shin min

  69. Sean

  70. can you translate miranda to ko0rean writing?

  71. chin nee

  72. Ahmad Sohrabi

  73. Kate

  74. Clyde

  75. Ladylin

  76. marella

  77. ryo chan lee hamida

  78. translate my mary chris english name into korean writing.

  79. dipa mabo

  80. menzi

  81. Tobias = ???? (Toh-Bi-A-ss)

    Not sure how to pronounce your last name...

  82. beenish

  83. Clylle

  84. nikki

  85. do you now how to translate English names or words into Korean ?

  86. wendy

  87. Pat Star

  88. HELLO

  89. angel faith

  90. ???? ????

    --that's your name in korean:)

    have a nice day!

    i also wrote the first answer:)

    i'm from korea:)

  91. ???? ????

  92. ooH!!!
         whAtS uR reLiGiOn??a GrEAT LasT nAMe huh!!

             WeLL wHaTS UR FoRsT NAMe sO thAT we CaN TrAnSlATe !!!


      ?hav A nyX DaY!!?

  93. anjali

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