
Translate french to english?

by  |  earlier

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The translators are making the sentences sound funny. I don't know french, but someone said this to me and i didn't understand.

1. son aussi fort dire aucune autre facon

2. avoir aime' et avoir perdue est de n'avoir rien

3. sa facon aussi fort pour dire




  1. 1.  Garbled and meaningless.

    2.  To have loved and lost is to have nothing.

    3.  His fashion (style?) is too loud to say?

    The first and third sentences are poorly constructed, so the meaning is not clear.  

  2. Rough translation, I do not really get what you're trying to type.

    The grammar does not make sense.

    1) also it's extremely hard to say any other way.

    2) To have love and to have loss is to have nothing

    3) Also it's a great saying

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