
Translate these sentences to modern english from Romeo and Juliet for me?

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"Is your man secret? Did you ne'er hear say, 'Two may keep counsel, putting one away?'"

"I am aweary, give me leave awhile. Fie, how my bones ache! What a jaunce have I!"

"Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence cell; There stays a husband to make you a wife."

"But she, good soul, had as lieve see a toad, a very toad, as see him."

"I pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this that was so full of his ropery?"

No need to know why I'm asking this, but can you help me out?




  1. "Is your man secret?....putting one away?" = The Nurse is asking if Romeo's man will keep the secret a secret and if he is trustworthy.

    "I am aweary...jaunce have I." = I'm tired, leave me alone. The Nurse is playing with Juliet's mind and milking her good news. I'm tired! I've had a long journey!

    "Then hie you...make you a wife." = Go to the Friar's cell. Romeo waits to marry you there.

    "But see him" = Juliet would rather marry a toad than marry Paris.

    "I pray you...ropery?" = Please tell me, what big-mouthed merchant was so full of himself?

  2. *idk the first one..sorry

    * I am tired, let me rest a while. Oh how my bones hurt, what a journey I've had!!

    *Then hurry to FL's cell, Romeo is waiting there to marry you

    *She had rather see a toad than see him *probably referring to Paris)

    *I ask you sir, what perverted man was so full of himself?

    Hope it helped :)

  3. i'm not totally sure about the first one...

    the second one is basically "i'm tired, let me rest for a while. i'm sore." jaunce is arthritis, or possibly just old age. basically, just the nurse complaining of being old and sore.

    "go visit friar laurence at the chapel; romeo is waiting there to marry you"

    "she has as much reason to see a toad as to see him"

    "what smart-alec merchant said such nonsense" or something like it

    that's best i can do, it's harder without context, and i don't really feel like digging out my old copy of "Rom&Jul" best of luck, anyway.

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