
Translate this please?

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Can anyone translate this for me please..From urdu to english :

abi tu zinda hai





  1. remember that youre standing on a planet thats evolving

    and revolving at 900 miles an hour

    its orbiting at 19 miles a second

    or so its reckoned

    and a sun that is the source of all our power.....

    oh yes the sun and you and me

    and all the stars that we can see

    are moving at a million miles a day

    on an outer spiral island 40thousand miles in

    a galaxy we call the milky way.....

    oh yes our galaxy itself contains a 100 billion stars

    its a 100thousand light years side to side

    it bulges in the middle 60 thousand light years thick

    but out by us its only 30thousand wide....

    we're 200thousand light years from the gallactic central point

    we go round every 200 million years

    our universe is one of millions and billions

    in this great expanding universe......

    our universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding

    and beckons all of us into a whizz

    as fast as it can go

    the speed of light you know

    is 200million miles a second

    and thats the fastest speed there is.......

    so just remember when youre feeling very small and insecure

    remember what an amazing miracle is your birth

    and pray to god that theres intelligent life out there in space

    because theres bugger all down here on earth !

    3 hours ago  

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