
Translating German Recipe!?

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3 Eiweiss - Mit einem Handruehrgeraet mit Ruehrbesen auf hoechster Stufe steif schlagen

250g Puderzucker- Sieben, nach und nach unterruehren zub Bestreichen der Sterne 2 gut gehaeufte Essl. Eierschnee abnehmen, unter den uebrigen Eierschnee

1 Paeckchen Vanillin-Zucker

3 Tropfen Backoel


1 Gestrichenen Teel.

Gemahlenen Zimt- und die Haelfte von

275-325g Nicht abgezogenen, gemahlenen


oder Gemahlenen Haselnuss-Kernen*-vorsichting auf niedrigster Stufe ruehren von dem Rest der Mandeln so viel unterkneten dass der Teig kaum noch klebt, ihn auf einer mit



oder Haselnusskernen

oder gesiebtem Puderzucker-bestreuten Tischplatte etwa .5cm d**k ausrollen, Sterne ausstechen, quf ein mit papier (s. S. 80) belegtes Backblech legen, mit dem zurueckgelassenen Eierschnee bestreichen, der Guss muss so sein, dass er sich glatt auf die Sterne streichen laesst, evtl.

*Die erforderliche Menge Mandeln (Haselnusskerne) haengt von der Groesse der Eier ab.




  1. Zimt stars 3 protein - with a handruehrgeraet with agitating brooms on highest stage rigidly 250g puderzucker filters strikes, gradually under-agitates zub a coating of the stars 2 well accumulated up Essl. Egg snow, under the remaining egg snow 1 package Vanillin sugars 3 drop baking oil bitter almond 1 painted Teel decrease. Gemahlenen zimt and half of 275-325g not taken off, gemahlenen almonds * or Gemahlenen Haselnuss Kernen* vorsichting on lowest stage agitate from the remainder of the almonds under-knead so much that the paste hardly still stick, him on one also Gemahlenen Almonds or Haselnusskernen or sieved to propellant-sugar-cover desk top about 5cm thickly to unroll, outdo stars, quf with paper (s. S. 80) occupied baking sheet metal it puts, with which coats left egg snow, the casting must like that be that he can be painted smoothly on the stars, evtl. * The necessary quantity of almonds (Haselnusskerne) depends on the size of the eggs.

  2. Recipe for Cinnamon Stars

    3 Egg-whites - whisk with an electric whisk on highest power,

                              until stiff

    250g pwdered sugar - sift, than add to egg whites (not all at

                                           once - spoonful for spoonful) and mix

                                           carefully under. Keep back two

                                           tblspoons of mixture for decorating the        


    Mix in

    1 pack of vanilla sugar (My experience is you don't get that in

                                            the US, so just use three drops of

                                            vanilla aroma)

    3 drops of bitter-almond aroma oil

    1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

    half of 275 to 325g unskinned ground hazelnuts or almonds (amount needed will depend on the size of the eggs you used. Big eggs=more nuts)

    very carefully with the power whisk on lowest gear. Mix in ground almonds or hazelnuts until the mixture almost doesn't stick anymore, than sprinkle your working place (flat surface, e.g. kitchen counter or table) heavily with powdered sugar or ground almonds/hazelnuts (plain flour will do, too), place your mixture on it and roll it out until 0.5cm thick (2.54cm = 1 inch. For rolling out dough like that, you can use a bottle, if you don't happen to have a roller).

    Cut out the stars with a cookie-shape and place them on a baking tin that's covered with baking paper. Before putting the tin in the oven, spread the sugared egg-whites evenly on the top of the stars.

    A little advice: The above is a faceful transcript of the recipe you gave me. As for myself, I would not put the egg-white/sugar mixture on top if this is your first time baking the cookies. It burns easily, and since I know that translating °C into Fahrenheit and than expecting your oven to work, chances are your cookies might not be cooked yet, but the top, which should be a nice pure white, is black. My advice: Leave it off and when your cookies are well and truly done and you have them save out of the oven and cooled down, cover them with a little icing. Juice of half an orange, 75g of powdered sugar. Put that on top and let it sit until dry. The orange gives a wonderful bit of fruitiness to the cookies.

    This should help you out. It sounds like a good recipe. Hope you enjoy making them. Cinnamon stars are very tasty. Yum! Good luck!

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