
Translating into french??

by  |  earlier

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i have a few more phrases i need help translating.

1. Person who helped clean up trash on campus

2. person who has had to shovel snow

3. Person who has never seen any of the harry potter movies

4. person who has lived on a farm

5. person who plays in a band

6. person who has been snow boarding

7. person who has gotten a speeding ticket

8. person who was born in another state

9. person who has a twin

10. person who sings in a choir

11. person who has a snake as a pet

12. person whose dog is more than ten years old

13. person who has gone to more than three different schools.




  1. i do french, but im not that good at it lol.

    my best suggestion to getting an accurate answer is to go to an online translator website.

    go to yahoo or google and type in babel fish.

    then click on the link for the online translation.

    after that the website is extremely easy to use.

    well hope that works for you!


  2. Hi there!!! Having difficulty translating french eh....

    Hope I helped yah with this!

    1. La personne qui a aidé nettoie des déchets sur le campus

    2. La personne qui a dû la neige de pelle

    3. La personne qui n'a jamais vu n'importe quel des films de pottier d'harry

    4. La personne qui a habité sur une ferme

    5. La personne qui joue dans une bande 6. la personne qui a été l'embarquement de neige

    7. La personne qui a obtenu un expédier étiquète

    8. La personne qui était née dans un autre de l'état

    9. La personne qui a un jumeau

    10. La personne qui chante dans un choeur

    11. La personne qui a un serpent comme un animal favori

    12.La personne dont le chien est plus de dix ans vieux

    13.La personne qui est allé à plus que trois écoles différentes

    jusqu'à la séance française prochaine

    au revoir

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