
Translation English to French "The rose" Bette Midler?

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Maybe someone can help me to translate this lyrics. A song by Bette Midler (a wonderful song). I would like to translate this song into French but I don't speak a word French. Please, can someone help me to translate or find a translation on the net. Thank you so much!




  1. Oh my word!

    I heard that song live a few weeks ago. I was on a night out with friends and this song enthralled me so much I searched for it on the internet but couldn't find it.

    I don't know who you are and you already have a good answer so I will just say thank you x

    It's a beautiful song.

  2. Some say love it is a river = certains disent que l'amour est comme une rivière

    that drowns the tender reed = qui noie le tendre roseau

    Some say love it is a razor = certains disent que l'amour est comme un rasoir

    that leaves your soul to bleed = qui fait saigner ton âme

    Some say love it is a hunger = certains disent que l'amour est comme la faim

    an endless aching need = un besoin incessant qui fait mal

    I say love it is a flower = je dis que l'amour est une fleur

    and you it's only seed = et toi tu es sa seule semence / graine

    It's the heart afraid of breaking = c'est comme le coeur qui a peur de lâcher

    that never learns to dance = qui n'apprend jamais à danser

    It's the dream afraid of waking = c'est comme le rêve qui a peur de se réveiller

    that never takes the chance = qui ne saisit jamais sa chance

    It's the one who won't be taken = c'est comme celui qui ne sera pas pris

    who cannot seem to give = qui ne semble pas pouvoir donner

    and the soul afraid of dying = et l'âme qui a peur de mourir

    that never learns to live = qui n'apprend jamais à vivre

    When the night has been too lonely = quand la nuit a été trop seule / solitaire

    and the road has been too long = et la route trop longue

    and you think that love is only = et que tu penses que l'amour est seulement

    for the lucky and the strong = pour le chanceux et le fort

    Just remember in the winter = souviens-toi alors qu'en hiver

    far beneath the bitter snows = tout en-dessous de la neige amère

    lies the seed  = se trouve la semance / graine

    that with the sun's love = qui avec l'amour du soleil

    in the spring = au printemps

    becomes the rose = deviens la rose

    very very beautiful lyrics

    Edit: I've just listened to the song: very beautiful music as well.

  3. It's been translated here :

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